ISSN 1973-9702



The Burnout Society of Byung-Chul Han


by Rafael Sousa Santos

According toByung-Chul Han, there seems to be a tendency for contemporary society to evolve into a state of general exhaustion – a society of tiredness. However, although this path towards tiredness presents itself as an inevitability, it is the way that tiredness is understood and lived that will determine the character of the future society. With this paper it is intended to develop a critical reading of Byung-Chul Han’s book The Burnout Society, seeking to achieve three objectives: 1. to recognize his fundamental ideas – which will constitute the formulated thesis; 2. to identify his motivations and the followed argumentative structure; and finally, 3. to highlight his contributions to the understanding of man (both individual and social) in contemporaneity.


Rafael Sousa Santos (Portugal, 1991) graduated in Architecture by the University of Beira Interior (DECA-UBI), Portugal (2013). He has his master’s in Architecture by the University of Porto (FAUP), Portugal (2016), where he participates as intern in the Centre for Studies of the Faculty of Architecture (CEFA). Currently he is a Ph.D. candidate in Architecture at FAUP (with supervisors from FAUP, Aalto University and Aarhus University). He has also collaborated in the curricular units of Urban Economy and Urbanistics 2 of Integrated Master’s in Architecture (MIARQ) at FAUP (since 2017).



Note su un’idea di architettura

Recensione di Saper credere in architettura. Trentaquattro domande a Francesco Cellini a cura di Laura Pujia


di Giuseppe Ferrarella

A dispetto delle sue dimensioni ridotte, il libro Saper credere in architettura. Trentaquattro domande a Francesco Cellinisi rivela carico di spunti di riflessione e idee profonde sulla disciplina del progetto. Edito dalla CLEAN Edizioni nel 2019, è stato curato da Laura Pujia.

Despite its small size the book Saper credere in architettura. Trentaquattro domande a Francesco Cellini,is full of complex ideas and deep thoughs about design theory.  Published by CLEAN Edizioni in 201, it was edited by Laura Pujia.


Giuseppe Ferrarella è architetto e Dottore di Ricerca; si laurea con lode presso la facoltà di Architettura Palermo. Ha frequentato il Master Architettura, Storia, Progettoe si è specializzato inCultura del Progetto in ambito archeologicopresso il Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università Roma Tre dove ha conseguito, nel 2018, il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Architettura con una ricerca sulle logiche di trasformazione urbana delle città stratificate.

Vive, progetta e studia tra Roma e Palermo.