ISSN 1973-9702


Usi temporanei per la Rigenerazione Urbana – Necessità di processi innovativi anche per la Capitale

di Floriana D’Urso


Il riutilizzo del patrimonio edilizio dismesso e degradato è un’esigenza avvertita da gran parte delle città Italiane ed in primis da Roma Capitale.
Oggi, gli Enti Locali hanno la possibilità di intervenire attraverso una strumentazione rapida ed efficace grazie all’introduzione di una specifica disposizione statale (art. 23 quater DPR 380/01) sugli “utilizzi temporanei” di compendi immobiliari, anche in deroga allo strumento urbanistico vigente, purché rispondenti ad un rilevante interesse di carattere pubblico o generale.


The reuse of disused and degraded buildings is a need felt by most of the Italian cities and firstly by Rome Capital
Today, Local Authorities have the opportunity to operate through a fast and effective urban procedure thanks to introduction of a specific national regulation (Article 23 quater of DPR 380/01) about the “temporary application” of real estate compendiums, also notwithstanding to urban current disposal, as long as it save a relevant public or general interest.


Floriana D’Urso, laureata in Giurisprudenza, abilitata all’esercizio della professione di Avvocato.
Dal 2001 è Funzionario Amministrativo presso il Dipartimento Programmazione e Attuazione Urbanistica di Roma Capitale, titolare dal 2007, di Posizione Organizzativa con responsabilità organizzativa e gestionale di specifici Servizi (ed attualmente del Servizio Coordinamento Amministrativo della Direzione Trasformazione Urbana), acquisendo specifiche competenze in tema di procedure urbanistiche, anche attraverso il conseguimento del Master “Urbam”, presso la facoltà di Architettura della Sapienza.



Mobility as an urban value: Concerning road monofunctionally and urban regeneration

by Rafael Sousa Santos


In the last decades, the demographic and extensive urban growth was provided by the generalization of the self-mobility, which allowed an increasingly scattered occupation of the territory. The mono functionality of this new urban model and the lack of equity of the road solution are clear indications of its failure as an exclusive response to contemporary urban mobilities. With this paper it is intended to achieve three main objectives: 1. to identify the process of urban transformation initiated in the 20thcentury and its connection to the progress of individual mobility; 2. to recognize the contemporary condition of adapted or designed urban spaces according to the road imperative and its consequences to the ways of living; and 3. to determine the prospects for urban mobilities and the regenerative hypothesis for modern urbanistics inheritances.


Rafael Sousa Santos (Portugal, 1991) graduated in Architecture by the University of Beira Interior (DECA-UBI), Portugal (2013). Has his master’s in Architecture by University of Porto (FAUP), Portugal (2016), where he participates as intern in the Centre for Studies of the Faculty of Architecture (CEFA). Currently he is a Ph.D. candidate in Architecture at FAUP (with supervisors from FAUP, Aalto University and Aahrus University). He has also collaborated in the curricular units of Urban Economy and Urbanistics 2 of Integrated Master’s in Architecture (MIARQ) at FAUP (since 2017).


London 2012 and the Lower Lea Valley

Mega events, urban regeneration and environmental sustainability: London 2012 Olympic Games and the Lower Lea Valley.

Stefano Quaglia


In recent decades, the role of mega events as tools of urban regeneration has significantly grown in importance within the urban development strategies of cities, in particular in post-Fordist metropolises where the relocation of industries and outsourcing economy have left a physical, economic and social emptiness.

In this context, the Olympic Games, thanks to the huge economic resources that can ‘unlock’, represent an urban policy tool capable of driving synergies towards the implementation of large-scale urban plans.

Aim of this paper is a critical analysis, from an environmental sustainability point of view, of the Lower Lea Valley regeneration process triggered by the London’s Olympic Games in 2012.



Urban and environmental planner, graduate in Planning and Policies for the City, Environment and Landscape, has gained a European Master in Planning and Policies for the Environment (IUAV-UTL). During the last year he has finalized his research activity on the urban regeneration triggered by mega events, deepening the cases of London 2012 Olympic Games and Expo Milan 2015 with a focus on their environmental policies strategies. Research interests: environmental conflicts, planning and management of green and blue infrastructures and climate change impacts on urban areas.




U3 iQuaderni #03



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G. Visco & A. Castronovo: Trasformazioni metropolitane ed educazione popolare a Buenos Aires / Metropolitan transformation and “popular education” in Buenos Aires

C. Bernardi: Temporalità urbane. Politiche del controllo e reti migranti / Urban temporalities. Politics of control and migrant networks

M. L. Giordano: Who’s maps? Interrogating authorship in collective map-making

I. Dorigotti: Kigali or building a symptomatic city. Young’s Imaginary and Crea(c)tivity in Rwanda after 1994

TooA: 42 – storie di un edificio mondo / 42 – tales from a global building