ISSN 1973-9702



Mobility as an urban value: Concerning road monofunctionally and urban regeneration

by Rafael Sousa Santos


In the last decades, the demographic and extensive urban growth was provided by the generalization of the self-mobility, which allowed an increasingly scattered occupation of the territory. The mono functionality of this new urban model and the lack of equity of the road solution are clear indications of its failure as an exclusive response to contemporary urban mobilities. With this paper it is intended to achieve three main objectives: 1. to identify the process of urban transformation initiated in the 20thcentury and its connection to the progress of individual mobility; 2. to recognize the contemporary condition of adapted or designed urban spaces according to the road imperative and its consequences to the ways of living; and 3. to determine the prospects for urban mobilities and the regenerative hypothesis for modern urbanistics inheritances.


Rafael Sousa Santos (Portugal, 1991) graduated in Architecture by the University of Beira Interior (DECA-UBI), Portugal (2013). Has his master’s in Architecture by University of Porto (FAUP), Portugal (2016), where he participates as intern in the Centre for Studies of the Faculty of Architecture (CEFA). Currently he is a Ph.D. candidate in Architecture at FAUP (with supervisors from FAUP, Aalto University and Aahrus University). He has also collaborated in the curricular units of Urban Economy and Urbanistics 2 of Integrated Master’s in Architecture (MIARQ) at FAUP (since 2017).



el arte musivario como  un elemento decorativo transmisor de ideologias y coadyuvante a la mezcla de culturas  diversas

di José Antonio Torres de la Fuente


El objeto de esta comunicación es poner de manifiesto la importancia del mosaico como una fuente histórica, para la transmisión de pensamientos e ideologías, evidenciando como las culturas pueden enriquecerse entre sí. La esencia  de la finalidad decorativa del mosaico, creado a partir de trozos de piedras o de otros materiales (cerámica o vidrio), se ha mantenido a través de los tiempos, aunque la intensidad de su uso ha variado, desde épocas que tenía una gran preponderancia hasta épocas que pueden considerarse prácticamente nulo su uso. Esta riqueza ha pasado a formar parte de nuestro patrimonio cultural, material e inmaterial, que debe de ser protegido. En  la Unión Europea, será competencia de las autoridades nacionales, pero debe tenderse para una  mejor protección a una normativa jurídica única en todos los estados miembros, pero sin olvidar que en su aplicación cada estado debe hacerla atendiendo  a  sus características históricas, culturales y sociales propias.


The purpose of this communication is to highlight the importance of the mosaic as a historical source, for the transmission of thoughts and ideologies, evidencing how cultures can enrich each other. The essence of the decorative purpose of the mosaic, created from pieces of stones or other materials (ceramic or glass), has been maintained through the ages, although the intensity of its use has varied, since times that it had a great preponderance until others that can be considered practically null use. This wealth has become part of our cultural heritage, material and immaterial, which must be protected. In the European Union, it will be the responsibility of the national authorities, but there must be a better protection to a single legal regulation in all the member states, without forgetting that in its application each one must do it taking into account its historical, cultural and social characteristics.


José Antonio Torres de la Fuente, dottorando in cotutela tra l’Università Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Architettura, e l’Università di Malaga, Facoltà di Turismo. Sta redigendo una tesi dal titolo: “Salus per aquam. El balneario histórico y su proyección en el fenómeno social del turismo: casos comparados entre Italia y España”,  correlatore italiano Professor Antonio Pugliano e correlatore di Málaga Professor Francisco José Rodríguez. Avvocato del Ministerio de Obras Públicas, professore della Scuola Ufficiale di Turismo della Costa del Sol. Esercita come avvocato dal 1982 ad oggi.


Un rapporto quotidiano, identitario e immaginario

di Giulia Pandolfi


Questo lavoro ripercorre alcune fasi di un processo che ha  forgiato un nuovo concetto di Wildscape – paesaggi selvaggi nell’ambito cittadino e indaga quali siano gli elementi progettuali che possano contribuire a definire questa nuova realtà, in cui si vuole ristabilire un rapporto quotidiano e concreto tra natura e vissuto urbano.

This article retraces some stages of a process that shaped a new concept of Wilderness and investigates which are the design elements that can help this new  theory, in order to re-establish a daily and stable relationship between nature and urban life.


Giulia Pandolfi, laureata in Architettura – Progettazione Urbana all’Università Roma Tre, ha conseguito nel 2018 il dottorato di ricerca in “Paesaggi della Città Contemporanea. Politiche, tecniche e studi visuali”presso la stessa università. Si occupa di urbanistica e paesaggio e nell’ambito della formazione dottorale ha approfondito la Foresta Urbana e i problemi e le opportunità della gestione dell’acqua piovana, vista come sfida ma anche risorsa per la progettazione dell’habitat urbano.