ISSN 1973-9702

Ciclo di incontri – Design Problems

A marzo il dottorato in “PAESAGGI DELLA CITTÀ CONTEMPORANEA. Politiche, tecniche e studi visuali” e il dottorato “POLITICHE TERRITORIALI E PROGETTO LOCALE” ospitano tre giornate dedicate all’Urban Design.

Il 13 marzo sarà presente Yodan Rofé, che presenterà There is a ” market ” of sustainable neighborhoods;

Il 16 marzo Matthew Carmona, con Explorations in Urban Design;

Il 17 marzo Sergio Porta, Masterplan and participation.

Le tre giornate saranno un momento di confronto e studio negli spazi dell’ex Mattatoio (largo G.B. Marzi), dove ha sede la facoltà di Architettura dell’Università Roma Tre.

Qui la locandina.

Creating Healthy Places through Active Mobility

Can we re-think urban transport so that walking and cycling become real mobility options that make our cities healthier, safer, and more sociable?

In March 2014, the Centre for Livable Cities and the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Singapore conducted a collaborative research study with renowned Danish architect and urban designer Jan Gehl. The aim was to formulate principles for improving walkability and bikeablity in Singapore.

Creating Healthy Places through Active Mobility, a collaborative research project between the Centre for Liveable Cities and Urban Land Institute, explores why and how we should make our urban environment friendlier to walking and cycling. This book, which publishes the findings of that research, discuss infrastructure design and policies of cities such as Amsterdam, Copenhagen, New York, Seoul and Taipei which have adopted active mobility as central to their transformative strategies for building healthy, vibrant, and liveable cities. The book also presents ideas for promoting active mobility based on workshops led by global expert Jan Gehl.

The Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC) was set up in 2008 based on a strategic blueprint developed by Singapore’s Inter-Ministerial Committee on Sustainable Development. The Centre’s mission is to distil, create and share knowledge on liveable and sustainable cities. CLC distils key learning points from Singapore’s experiences over the last half-century, while creating knowledge to address emerging challenges. It also shares knowledge with, and learns from, other cities and experts. 

Here you can download the ebook

Planning for change – tre challenges | Ombretta Romice

Uno sguardo all’urban design scozzese

15 ottobre 2014, h 17 | Aula Sabbadini – Ex mattatoio | largo G. B. Marzi 10, Roma

Il laboratorio di progettazione urbana del corso di laurea in Architettura ospita una lezione di Ombretta Romice della University of Strathclyde.

Per maggiori informazioni si rimanda alla locandina.

Masterplanning for change | Sergio Porta

6 giugno 2014, h. 9 | Aula Urbano VIII – Argiletum | Roma, via Madonna dei Monti 40

Teoria e pratica di Plot-Based Urbanism nel corso di Urban Design dell’University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK.

Seminario con Sergio Porta, Head of Department of Architecture / Director of UDSU – Urban Design Studies Unit- Strathclyde University

Per maggiori informazioni si rimanda al programma.