ISSN 1973-9702

Copertina_ 05-Cantiere 2017.07-foto luc boegly 3


Intervista a Ludovica Di Falco (SCAPE)

di Flavio Graviglia


SCAPE è uno studio italo-francese, con sedi a Parigi, Roma e Milano. In occasione della costruzione di un edificio a Parigi, nella ZAC di Clichy-Batignolles, ho incontrato Ludovica di Falco, socia fondatrice dello studio, per conoscere gli ultimi sviluppi del loro lavoro ed approfondire le differenze tra il panorama architettonico francese e quello italiano.

SCAPE is an Italian-French Architecture firm, with offices in Paris, Rome and Milan. On the occasion of the construction of a building in Paris, in the ZAC of Clichy-Batignolles, I met Ludovica di Falco, the founding partner of the firm, to learn about the latest developments in their work and explore the differences between the French and Italian architectural scene.


Flavio Graviglia, architetto e dottorando in “Paesaggi della Città Contemporanea” è laureato in Progettazione Architettonica presso la Facoltà di Architettura di Roma Tre con una tesi sull’influenza e le relazioni tra fotografia e architettura, ha approfondito gli studi presso la Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia sostenendo esami di Estetica e Storia della Fotografia. Parallelamente agli studi universitari ha lavorato come fotografo, pubblicando ed esponendo in contesti nazionali e internazionali. Ha vissuto a Parigi studiando all’École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville.

Attualmente svolge attività di ricerca e assistenza docenti presso la Facoltà di Architettura di Roma Tre e l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais. A seguito del suo lavoro di ricerca ha ottenuto il <PREMIO DIASTIZEIN Per la Teoria di Architettura> ed il III Premio del <Concorso Giovani Critici, VI Edizione>.

Flavio Graviglia, Architect and PhD candidate in “Contemporary City Landscapes”, obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Architecture from Roma Tre University with his Master’s thesis on the influence and connections between photography and architecture. He continued his studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, where he took exams in Aesthetics and the History of Photography. At the same time, he worked as a photographer, and had his work published and exhibited in various national and international settings. He has lived in Paris where he studied at the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville and is, currently, conducting research at the Faculty of Architecture of Roma Tre University and at the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais.



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’15 – ’18: trasformazioni urbane al fronte

di Nicola Vazzoler


Nel 2018 ricorre l’anniversario della fine della Grande Guerra che ha visto le truppe italiane impegnate principalmente lungo un fronte che si estendeva dallo Stelvio al mar Adriatico. Dopo tre anni di guerra in trincea, l’Italia ne usciva vincitrice e alcuni territori conquistati, che correvano lungo il fronte, diventavano ufficialmente italiani. L’Alto Adige, la Venezia Giulia e il basso Friuli venivano accorpati al Regno con un ritardo di quasi 60 anni rispetto all’Unità d’Italia e festeggiano quindi solo oggi il loro secolo da italiani. Un processo di annessione che ha prodotto, a livello locale, distruzioni belliche ma anche processi di riassetto e trasformazione di città e territori imposti dal nuovo governo. Il contributo restituisce il caso di Aquileia, in particolare trasformazioni apportate sul complesso basilicale durante il primo conflitto mondiale che hanno rappresentato un riassetto dell’area modificandone la percezione e l’uso fino ai giorni nostri, anche se, all’apparenza, non sembrano aver lasciato traccia alcuna.

2018 is the anniversary of the end of the Great War, the Italian troops were mainly engaged along the Eastern Alps. Italy wins after three years of war and some conquered territories officially become Italian. Alto Adige, Venezia Giulia and the lower Friuli have been united to the Italian Kingdom, after almost 60 years of the Unity of Italy, and so today celebrate their century as Italians. A process of annexation that has produced war destruction but also processes of rearrangement and transformation of cities and territories imposed by the new government. The paper focuses on the city of Aquileia, in particular on the actions of transformation of the Basilica complex during the First World War and that have modified its perception and use up to the present days.


Nicola Vazzoler, Architetto e Dottore di Ricerca in Politiche territoriali e progetto locale (con la tesi “Intensità urbana, un rapporto ragionato a partire dal caso di Roma”), è ora assegnista di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Architettura di Roma Tre. Impegnato nella didattica (Università degli Studi di Trieste, IUAV e RomaTre), nella ricerca (fra gli altri il PRIN “Territori post-metropolitani”) e nell’attività professionale (“Piano di Assetto dell’Area archeologica monumentale del Colosseo” per RomaTre). È co-fondatore di GU | Generazione Urbana (con il quale ha seguito il “Monitoraggio delle forme periferiche contemporanee a Roma” per DGAAP MiBACT) e collabora con i giornali on-line di settore UrbanisticaTre e Planum.

Nicola Vazzoler, Architect, PhD in Urban Policies and Local Project (dissertation: “Intensità urbana, un rapporto ragionato a partire dal caso di Roma”) now is Research fellow at Rome Tre University. He did educational work and research at the universities of Trieste, IUAV (Venice) and Roma Tre (including PRIN “Territori post-metropolitani”). As a professional, he participated in the drafting process of a number of urban development plans (including “Piano di Assetto dell’Area archeologica monumentale del Colosseo” for RomaTre). He is co-founder of GU | Generazione Urbana (including “Monitoraggio delle forme periferiche contemporanee a Roma” for DGAAP MiBACT) and works with online journals UrbanisticaTre and Planum.

U3 iQuaderni call for paper

UrbanisticaTre launches a call for paper for a new Quaderno edited by Alessandro Coppola & Arman Fadaei:

Iranian cities
An emerging urban agenda at a time of drastic alterations


“Increased attention has been directed towards Iran in its various political, economic and social aspects in recent years. This is partially because of the new, although contested and unstable, reconcilement of the country’s relationship with EU and US that has brought about a new wave of flows of people, capitals, information and attention towards the country. However, this is only the last episode of a longer chain of crucial political changes in the past four decades that have had direct and significant impact on the material and un-material structures of Iranian cities and on the national urban agenda.

Urbanization in Iran has been tumultuous since the conception and launching of modern urban planning in 1967. Structural changes such as the 1979 revolution and its aftermaths disrupted the new born planning agenda and, after several years of halt, reframed and reorganized the entire state planning apparatus and system. The situation of extreme instability characterizing to revolution and War periods (1981-89) did not only hinder the process of evolution of planning but favored a central, technocratic agenda as the only feasible method of recovering from these subsequent shocks.

Since then, different phases of restructuring in the political-economy and social composition of Iranian society were reflected in relevant, at times significant, alterations of the planning agenda. Changes such as the push towards the fiscal self-subsistence of municipalities during early 1990s neo-liberal policies; the establishment of a multi-scalar framework of governance – from neighborhoods to cities – in late 1990’s following the advent of the reformists to national power; the launching of state-led mega-scale projects as populist attempts towards modernization and beautification of the cities during the 2000s; the promotion of new towns within a renewed paradigm that attempted to accommodate burgeoning housing demand and tame informal urbanization, are only some of the adjustments that were produced in these years in the planning domain. On the backdrop of these changes, several ongoing and persistent trends continuously affected Iranian cities during this period. From the gradual and consistent erosion of urban environmental assets to the widening gaps in terms of inequality and access to public facilities and amenities, from growing problems of mobility congestion to an expanding housing crisis involving with particular virulence large metropolitan areas.

This issue of iQuaderni of U3 focuses on Iranian cities and metropolitan areas and on how they have been reshaped in relation to these structural shifts and changes in planning and policies”.

Please read the full call at this link and send an extended abstract by  February 28th.