ISSN 1973-9702

ADAPT-r Call for Fellows – Early Stage Researchers

Scadenza 5 novembre 2014, h 17,00

ADAPT-r (Architecture, Design and Art Practice Training-research) is a €4M FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network offering a new approach to PhD training for creative practitioners and includes 40 Fellowships, 7 training conferences, a major research conference, a major exhibition, five key books, and a website providing public access to research and events (see ADAPT-r commenced on 1 January 2013 and is running over four years. ADAPT-r is a network of 7 Partner Institutions.

This is the third of several calls for applications from practitioners in creative practices. But this time we especially want to focus on applications from art and design practitioners for a minimum of 9 Fellowships of between five and eighteen months commencing after January 2015 and completing before December 2016.

Hosting University Length of Fellowship Fellowship nr Discipline
AAA 9 ESR 1 Architecture/Urbanism/Landscape
9 ESR 30 Arts/Design
18 ESR 22 Architecture/Urbanism/Landscape
RMIT 5 ESR 33 Arts/Design
UoW 12 ESR 28 Arts/Design
KUL 14 ESR 24 Arts/Design
EAA 18 ESR 21 Architecture/Urbanism/Landscape
GSA 12 ESR 29 Arts/Design
UL 9 ESR 7 Arts/Design
18 ESR 18 Architecture/Urbanism/Landscape

We seek out practitioners who have developed a body of work demonstrating mastery of their field, invite them to reflect upon the nature of that mastery within a critical framework, to speculate through practice on the nature of their future-practice and demonstrate their findings publicly. We argue that architects, designers and artists have a responsibility to the furtherance of their practice domain, and that this examination of the nature of their mastery promotes and extends the fundamental knowledge base of their discipline, and thus its ability to serve society.
The Fellow will have a full-time employment contract in the country of the university hosting them, and will therefore be employed in accordance with the local practice of that country in all employment matters.  This normally means that the Fellow must have a place of residence in the country of their employment for the period of their employment, but local situations may vary.  As this is a mobility contract, the country of appointment must be different from the country of current residency and it is expected that the Fellows will undertake substantial mobility and networking. The Fellow should agree and record their work schedule with their employers.  Fellows will carry out research activities in the practice as defined in the WPs, and attend the twice-yearly Practice Research Symposium. It is also expected Fellows enroll for a PhD in the university which is employing them.
ADAPT-r is based on the established RMIT University practice-based PhD program offered in Australia, Asia and Europe. Under the ADAPT-r model practitioners will continue to be embedded in their practice while becoming a Fellow at one of the partner institutions and will participate in the Practice Research Symposia hosted by ADAPT-r twice a year. Applicants must hold a relevant qualification and demonstrate peer recognition of the mastery of their work. The candidate must be able to enrol in at least one of the partner institutions.
Candidates must be able to demonstrate that their practice or studio is able to continue to provide sufficient support throughout the term of the Fellowship

Selection Criteria
Selection will be based on the idea of ‘venturous’ practice. Successful applicants must demonstrate a consistent and systematic approach that ‘tests’ the edges of the discipline, in other words, it is for those who aspire to move the boundaries of their discipline in some way through the creation of creative works. Selection will be merit based and candidates will be ranked against the criteria. In the event that there are more qualified applicants than Fellowships, highly ranked applicants will be given preference.
The partnership employs an equal opportunity strategy.

Submission requirements
Applicants should provide a description of their venturous practice (no more than 500 words), and a link to a website or web portfolio. A list of completed works describing key aspects of each work should be provided. No more than thirty works should be listed and key works should be identified. Evidence of peer review will be highly valued. For example Art prizes, publication in professional or Art journals, selected or invited exhibitions of work, significant commissions, other publications including books, book chapters and journal articles either by the applicant or about the work of the applicant will be considered as evidence of peer recognition and can be used to demonstrate the venturous quality of the work. Applicants must provide a statement of authorship which should provide a clear understanding of the applicant’s authorship role in the body of work submitted.
In addition the applicant must provide:
A list and proof of their qualifications
The names and contact information of two people who are willing to provide references.
An indication of preference for a host institution and/or duration of the Fellowship and any specific reasons associated with those preferences (at least three preferences should be identified).
Complete contact information along with dates available for commencement.

Applications must be submitted electronically to with the subject title “Application for Marie Curie Research Fellow Position (ESR)” on the 5th November 2014 prior to 17:00 Belgian time, which is the deadline for the submission of the applications. Notification of receipt of submission will be returned to the applicant on submission.
Total remuneration will be in line of Marie Curie regulations.

Interviews dates:      January
Research Fields        Architecture, Design, Art – others
Career Stage             Early stage researcher with maximum 4 years of research experience
Research Profile       First Stage Researcher (R1)
Type of Contract       Temporary
Status                         Full-time (100%)
Hours Per Week        35-40
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Univerza V Ljubljani, Slovenia
Glasgow School of Art LBG, United Kingdom
The University of Westminster LBG, United Kingdom
RMIT University Spain (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology), affiliated with RMIT Melbourne, Australia.
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Estonia
Arkitektskolen I Aarhus, Denmark

Arte per i 100 anni del CONI | a cura di Bartolomeo Pietromarchi

8-9 giugno 2014 inaugurazione| Foro Italico | Roma

In occasione delle celebrazioni per i 100 anni del Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano, il Foro Italico di Roma, un luogo simbolo riconosciuto in tutto il mondo per la sua straordinaria struttura architettonica, sarà al centro di tre progetti legati all’arte, volti a trasmettere i valori dello sport per mezzo della cultura, in un’occasione unica come il Centenario della fondazione del CONI.

Domenica 8 giugno 2014, inaugurazione ore 18.00
Ponte della Musica Armando Trovajoli

12h di Donato Dozzy, installazione sonora e live performance
Ponte della Musica Armando Trovajoli
Lungotevere Maresciallo Cadorna

Donato Dozzy presenterà la sua installazione sonora con una performance live proponendo una reinterpretazione musicale della nuova architettura del Ponte della Musica Armando Trovajoli creata sulla base di uno studio delle dinamiche spaziali della struttura. A cura di Bartolomeo Pietromarchi.
12h sarà attiva tutti i giorni dalle 10.00 alle 22.00, dal 9 al 15 giugno 2014

Per maggiori informazioni si rimanda al programma.

Arte urbana al Foro Italico
Dal Ponte della Musica Armando Trovajoli a Ponte Milvio
Lungotevere Maresciallo Cadorna – Lungotevere Maresciallo Diaz

Il progetto ICONICA, a cura di Bartolomeo Pietromarchi e Maria Alicata, è un percorso urbano di 100 immagini di opere di artisti italiani ed internazionali legati al tema dello sport: da  William Kentridge, Marina Abramović, Maurizio Cattelan, Michelangelo Pistoletto, sino a giovani della nuova scena artistica contemporanea.
ICONICA sarà visibile fino a domenica 21 settembre 2014.

Per maggiori informazioni si rimanda al programma.

lunedì 9 giugno 2014, inaugurazione dalle ore 19.30

Titina Maselli. Essere in movimento
Casa delle Armi
Parco del Foro Italico, viale delle Olimpiadi 60, Roma

Una grande retrospettiva, a cura di Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, dedicata ad una delle più importanti pittrici italiane del secolo scorso, che presenta una selezione di oltre 40 opere sui soggetti sportivi che ne hanno caratterizzato la sua ricerca sin dagli esordi.
Apertura al pubblico dal 10 giugno al 27 luglio 2014
Dal martedì alla domenica dalle 16.00 alle 22.00
Ingresso libero

Per maggiori informazioni si rimanda al programma.